Scott M. Priz Scott M. Priz entered the insurance industry in 2003 as a consultant with Advanced Insurance Management. He has consulted with employers across the United States on proper Workers’ Compensation insurance charges. Mr. Priz provides professional advice to commercial insureds, as well as to insurance agents and brokers, on Workers’ Compensation insurance premium charges, audits, classifications, and experience modifiers. He has particular expertise in areas relating to experience modification factor and contractor's credit calculations. He also specializes in Premium Recovery for employers, negotiating refunds of overcharges from past Workers Compensation insurance policies.
In 2018, he was sworn in as an attorney in the state of Illinois. This has enabled him to combine his experience in Workers Compensation insurance with his legal training. He has worked for both policyholders and insurance carriers as a consultant on Workers Compensation insurance. He has worked as a court appointed damage calculator in two class action lawsuits against Workers Compensation insurance carriers and has testified on the subject of Workers Compensation insurance premiums. He is also a volunteer attorney with Lawyers for the Creative Arts and a volunteer legal observer for the National Lawyers Guild. He has an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago in political science and law, and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the John Marshall Law School of Chicago. At John Marshall, he received Cali Awards (highest grade honors) in Contracts I, Contracts II, Civil Procedure II, Constitutional Law I and Constitutional Law II. He also served on the John Marshall Law Review as Managing Editor from 2016-17.
He is co-author of the book Workers Compensation: A Field Guide for Employers, available at Amazon and elsewhere.
Consultants on Workers Comp Classification Codes, Experience Modifiers, Payroll Audits, & More We've been helping employers since 1987, making Advanced Insurance Management one of the oldest and most experienced firms in the field of premium recovery. |