logo for Advanced Insurance Management LLC
Symbol for cost savings
  • Advanced Insurance Management LLC
  • 3230 South Harlem Avenue,  Suite 203
  • Riverside, IL 60546
  • contact us:phone: 800-288-9256
  • e-mail:aim@cutcomp.com

Consultants on Workers Comp Classification Codes, Experience Modifiers, Payroll Audits, & More


Frequently Asked Questions

How often do you find significant overcharges? 

Our success ratio holds pretty steadily, year in and year out: we find and recover significant overcharges for between one-third and one-half of our clients. These aren't theoretical "savings" we're talking about, either. Year in and year out, we produce actual refunds and reduction for between one-third and one-half of our clients. 

What kind of premium savings are you talking about? 

On average, the savings we produce for clients amounts to about 25% of their annual Workers' Compensation insurance premiums. 

Will having AIM check our Workers' Comp charges turn into a long and involved process for my staff? 

No. Our process is designed to minimize the time and effort your people have to expend. We need some documents and information, but for most clients their time involvement is limited to a few hours spread over time. 

What if your review finds that we've underpaid? 

This is relatively rare--insurance companies expend a lot of effort to catch undercharges, but nowhere near the same level of effort to catch overcharges. But in any event, AIM holds in strict confidence all information a client provides to us, and only discloses information to insurers and rating bureaus when directed to do so by our clients. 

We haven't had any claims in recent years, so why should we have you review our program? 

It doesn't matter if an employer has had no claims in recent years, or many claims--the kinds of rating factors that AIM checks affect all employers regardless of claims history. 

What's needed to get started? 

Less information and documentation than you might think. Take a look at what's typically needed, or call 1-800-288-9256 or email aim@cutcomp.com. 

You can also listen to an extended interview with AIM President Ed Priz that may answer other questions about our company and our services.




Ed Priz Interview

BBB® - Start With Trust - In Chicago and Northern Illinois
AM Best
  • Advanced Insurance Management LLC
  • 3230 South Harlem Avenue,  Suite 203
  • Riverside, IL 60546
  • contact us:phone: 800-288-9256
  • e-mail:aim@cutcomp.com