Consultants on Workers Comp Classification Codes, Experience Modifiers, Payroll Audits, & More
Workers Comp Audits ReviewedWorkman's Comp Premium Review & Recovery

What's Needed for an Advanced Insurance Management® Review?

 Our review process minimizes the time and effort required on the part of our clients. Although the following list is typical of the information and documentation we need, AIM will try to work with whatever documentation you can provide to us without expending unreasonable time and effort.

  • A description of your business operations as they pertain to Workers’ Comp premiums.

  • Copies of the audit billing statements for the past three years (or for the specific policy years you want examined).

  • Copy of the original policies for the past three years, showing premium calculations for the same past policy periods as above.

  • Copy of the current policy, showing premium calculations (if you wish to have the current policy reviewed).

  • Copies of experience modification factor worksheets for the policy years to be reviewed (as available).

  • Copies of audit workpapers for the same periods (as available).

  • For policyholders on loss-sensitive plans, copies of the premium adjustment statements for the same policy periods.

For further clarification, please don't hesitate to call 
              1-800-288-9256        or email

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                                                                      Advanced Insurance Management LLC

                                                              3230 S. Harlem Ave. Suite 203
                                                                Riverside, IL 60546

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