Since 1987, AIM has helped employers dispute and correct
audit errors and overcharges by insurance companies.
Our newest service is to consult with employers before
the audit happens, to prepare for the audit by
identifying potential problem areas
before the insurance company
auditor arrives.
Having the key documents and information ready before
the auditor arrives can avoid many costly audit errors
before they happen.
Self-serving errors by insurance companies are common.
They often occur because the auditor is scheduled for
only a limited amount of time by the insurance company
for an audit.
If important documents or information are
not readily available the auditor may well make
assumptions that increase premiums unnecessarily.
Once an audit is done, getting an insurance company to
admit mistakes can be challenging, and time consuming.
A far more efficient approach is to
prevent errors from creeping
into audits in the first place.

AIM is knowledgable about premium audit rules in all
And we have helped all kinds of employers with audit
problems: construction companies, manufacturers,
staffing companies, transportation companies, hospital
and medical care providers, even an NFL team.
Audit Preparation can be done remotely (just like a lot
of premium audits are done now.) And at surprisingly
reasonable cost.
Please email: or call
us at 800-288-9256 with
questions on our
Audit Preparation service or
other aspects of Workers Comp premiums and audits.