Insurance & Business Links
The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI)
The Workers' Compensation rating bureau used in most
(but not all states) in the United States. NCCI writes
the manuals of rules that pertain to Workers' Comp
premium computation, classification codes, and
administers many of the Assigned Risk Plans used in
various states. Their Scopes manual
contains the details of what's intended to be covered by
the various Workers' Comp classification codes You can
order NCCI manuals from their website.
News and opinions concerning developments in
Workers' Compensation and other lines of commercial
And here are some business links we've found useful,
interesting, or at least diverting:
Institute of Management and Administration
An excellent site with considerable information about
business management.
Resources and links for small business.
Forensic Expert Witness Assocation
Insight into how business really operates.
Consultants on Workers Comp Classification Codes, Experience Modifiers, Payroll Audits, & More
We've been helping employers since 1987, making Advanced Insurance Management one of the oldest and most experienced firms in the field of premium recovery.