Workers Compensation Regulators state by state
Workers Compensation Reviews & Refunds

Advanced Insurance Management LLC

3230 South Harlem Avenue,  Suite 203

contact us: phone:      800-288-9256


Insurance Regulation by State 


Workers' Compensation insurance is regulated on a State-by-State basis, and so there can be important differences in the way employers handle their Workers' Compensation exposures in various states, and important differences in how premiums are calculated. 

Here are some details, state by state, with links to important regulatory agencies. Most 800 numbers shown are for in-state calls only. 

A lot of the states have the notation "an NCCI state". This means that the state uses the various manuals, classification system, and experience rating formula developed by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, or NCCI.

NCCI is not a regulatory agency, though sometimes people think it is.  It is an independent not-for-profit corporation created by the insurance industry to consolidate and standardize the fine details of Workers Compensation insurance premium computation.  So NCCI develops manuals of rules that govern things such as what kinds of work get assigned to particular classification codes, how much payroll gets used to compute premium charges (and what gets excluded and under what circumstances). NCCI also does the actuarial work to develop manual rates (or at least the loss costs that are the major component of manual rates) and computes experience modification factors for employers in those states that use the NCCI system.

NCCI is not the only Workers Compensation rating bureau in the U.S.--some states have their own independent rating bureaus. And monopoly fund states don't have a rating bureau at all, as everything is handled by the state agency (but Ohio's monopoly fund does use the NCCI classification code system nowadays.)

Also, please keep in mind that the technical details regarding Workers' Compensation and premium computation are always subject to change and revision. AIM tries to keep this information current and accurate, but cannot guarantee that it is always so. To be prudent, we recommend that employers verify with appropriate insurance regulators any information pertaining to Workers' Compensation insurance premium computation and coverage. 


This is an NCCI state.  Employers must either purchase a Workers Compensation insurance policy from an approved insurance company, or be approved to self-insure (realistic only for larger employers.)  Employers with more than four employees (full or part-time) must have Workers Comp insurance (or obtain coverage via another approved method.)  In Alabama, employers can meet their Workers Comp obligations by either purchasing insurance, becoming a member of a group self-insurance trust, or by being approved as a self-insurer.  One other option is to obtain coverage by means of a PEO (Professional Employer Organization)—otherwise known as employee leasing.  

If a company is incorporated or an LLC the officers and members are counted as employees. And all employers with more than four (4) employees are required by Law to carry workers’ compensation insurance.  However, an officer may elect to be exempt by filing a WC15 (Officer Exemption Notice) to the Department of Industrial Relations, Workers' Compensation Division and the employer's insurance carrier.

At the end of any calendar year, a corporate officer who has been exempted may revoke the exemption by filing written notice thereof with the Department of Insurance and the employer's insurance carrier.

If the corporate officer elects to be exempt from coverage, the election shall not relieve the corporation from continuing coverage for all other eligible employees who may have been covered prior to the election or who may subsequently be employed.

Sole Proprietors and Partners are excluded from Workers Compensation requirements unless they choose to file an election to accept the provisions of the Alabama Workers' Compensation Law. To accept the provisions of the workers' compensation law and be covered by a workers' compensation policy, Sole Proprietor/Partner(s) must complete a WC14 Part I Form and file it with the Department of Insurance.  Once filed, the WC14 stays in effect until it is withdrawn by the Sole Proprietor/Partner(s) by filing Part II of the WC14.

In Alabama, Workers Compensation claims matters are handled by:





(334) 242-2868



This body also regulates individual self-insurers and group self-insurance programs.

Disputes about Workers Compensation insurance (including premiums) are the province of The Alabama Department of Insurance.  Contact information for this body is as follows.

Regular U.S. Mail Address:
Alabama Department of Insurance
 P O Box 303351
Montgomery, AL 36130-3351

Overnight Address:
Alabama Department of Insurance
201 Monroe Street
Suite 1700

Montgomery, AL 36104

Phone Numbers, Fax Numbers, & Email Addresses
Phone: 334-269-3550 Fax:     334-241-4192  email: Website:


This is also an NCCI state.  Alaska requires all employers with more than one employee to obtain Workers Compensation insurance (unless the employer is approved as a self-insurer.  Alaska does not allow group self-insurance pools. There are some exceptions to the requirement to obtain insurance: sole proprietors don’t have to insure themselves (but they would have to provide insurance if they have an employee; general partners in a partnership also don’t have to insure themselves, but again have to get insurance if they have employees; executive officers in a nonprofit corporation aren’t required to get insurance for themselves, and the same is true for members in a member managed limited liability company, part-time baby-sitters, cleaning persons (non-commercial), harvest help and similar part-time/transient help, sports officials for amateur events, contract entertainers, commercial fishers, taxicab drivers whose compensation is by contractual arrangement, a participant in the Alaska temporary assistance program, and professional hockey team players and coaches if those persons are covered under a health care insurance plan. In addition, executive officers in a for-profit corporation may exempt themselves by filing an Executive Officer Waiver with the Alaska Department of Labor and Workers Compensation.

Alaska still maintains a Second Injury Fund (at least at the time of this writing.)  Second Injury funds provide reimbursement to insurers and self-insured employers for claims of workers where it can be documented that the workers had a pre-existing condition that contributed to the claim.

Alaska also maintains a separate Fishermen’s Fund covers licensed commercial fishermen for injuries while fishing onshore or offshore.

In Alaska, claims matters are under the jurisdiction of:
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Workers Compensation
Contact Information:
PO Box 115512
Juneau, AK 99811
     Phone: 907-465-2790 Fax: 907-465-2797 

Insurance disputes (such as those over premium charges) would be under the jurisdiction of:
The Alaska Division of Insurance (part of the Department of Community and Economic Development)

Contact Information:
9th Floor State Office Bldg.
333 Willoughby Avenue 99801
PO Box 110805
   Juneau, Alaska 99811-0805
(907) 465-2515    Fax (907) 465-3422    TDD (907) 465-5437  

Robert B. Atwood Building
550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1560
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3567
(907) 269-7900    Fax (907) 269-7910   TDD (907) 465-5437
Email: insurance@alaska.govWebsite:


Another NCCI state.  Employers must meet their Workers Compensation obligations by purchasing insurance from a private insurance company, or be authorized to self-insure.  Arizona formerly maintained a competitive state fund, but as has happened in other states in recent years, what used to be the state fund has been transformed into a non-profit mutual insurance company that is no longer part of state government.  This mutual insurer, SCF Arizona, currently writes about 70% of the Workers Compensation insurance in Arizona, but has to compete with other insurance companies in the state.

Arizona requires all employers with one or more employees to maintain valid Workers Compensation insurance (or be approved for self-insurance.)

The state agency with jurisdiction over claims, and over employer compliance with Workers Compensation insurance requirements, is the

Industrial Commission of Arizona.
Industrial Commission Contact Information:
Phoenix Office: 
800 W. Washington Street 
Phoenix, AZ 85007
                 Phone:     602-542-4653


Tucson Office:
2675 E. Broadway
 Tucson, AZ 85716        

Insurance disputes (such as disputes over proper Workers Compensation insurance premiums) are the jurisdiction of:

Arizona Department of Insurance 
2910 N. 44th St. Suite 210 
, Az. 85018-7269               

Phone: Phoenix Area: (602) 364-4457 Statewide: (877) 660-0964


An interesting aspect of Arizona Workers Compensation statutes is that an independent contractor that performs work different from the client’s normal work and who is not supervised by clients during execution of that work are considered true independent contractors, not employees of the client for purposes of Workers Compensation.  This is a significant difference between Arizona rules and those of many other states.  The Arizona statute also requires there be a written agreement signed by both parties.


This is another NCCI state.  In Arkansas, employers must meet their Workers Compensation obligations by either purchasing an insurance policy from an approved insurer, or by being approved to be self-insured.  Most employers with three or more employees must purchase Workers Compensation insurance.  For employers in the building trades, the threshold is two or more employees.  Where a subcontractor is used, the threshold is one employee.  Sole proprietors or partners who devote full time to the business are covered unless they elect to be exempted.  (This is different than in many other states, where sole proprietors and partners are not automatically eligible, and must elect to be covered.)  Executive officers of a corporation may choose to exclude themselves (but must cover employees.)

In Arkansas, if a sole proprietor or partner elects not to obtain Workers Compensation coverage for themselves, a primary contractor that utilizes their services is not liable for the Workers Compensation liability (this is different than the way this issue is treated in many other states.)  However, a prime contractor would still be liable for uninsured workers of a subcontractor if those workers are not the sole proprietor or a partner.

The government agency in Arkansas that has jurisdiction over claims and over enforcing employer compliance with Workers Compensation coverage is:

The Arkansas Workers Compensation Commission
324 Spring Street
P.O. Box 950
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-0950

Telephone 1-501-682-3930 / 1-800-622-4472         website:

The government agency in Arkansas that has jurisdiction over disputes regarding Workers Compensation insurance premiums between employers and their insurance company is:

Arkansas Insurance Department
1200 West Third Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501)371-2600 or 1-800-282-9134

(501) 371-2618 fax                                 website: 


Not an NCCI state.  Instead, California, which is the largest single state market for Workers Compensation insurance, has its own separate rating bureau, the Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California, or WCIRB.  This means that all the rules and regulations that govern Workers Compensation insurance classifications, premium computation, and experience rating are set out in manuals from WCIRB, not NCCI.  And thus the details about what kinds of work are assigned to which particular classification codes can be different in California.  And some of the fine details regarding how experience modification factors are calculated are different also.  Contact information for the WCIRB is:

Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California
525 Market Street, Suite 800
San Franscisco, CA 94105-2767                          


Phone: 888.CA.WCIRB (888.229.2472) 
Fax: 415.778.7272

Employers in California can choose between private insurance companies or the state-administered Workers Compensation fund, known as the State Compensation Insurance Fund, or SCIF.  An employer in Californiacan also elect to self-insure for Workers Compensation, but this is typically feasible only for larger employers.

In California, as soon as an employer has a single employee, the employer must have Workers Compensation coverage (either from an approved insurance company, SCIF, or be approved for self-insurance.  A roofing company is required to have Workers Comp insurance even if it has no employees.  And unlike many other states, a real estate broker is required to cover its agents, even if they are independent contractors.

In California, unlike most other states, one can go back only one year into the past when correcting an error in classification code on Workers Compensation policies.  Most states will generally allow an employer to go back at least as far as three years prior to the current policy.

Workers Compensation claims are the jurisdiction of:

The California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers Compensation
(The DWC maintains a number of offices throughout California.  Their headquarters address is:

1515 Clay Street
17th floor
Oakland, CA 94612-140    phone:  (510) 286-7100  website:


Workers Compensation insurance (including disputes over premiums) are the jurisdiction of the California Department of Insurance.


Contact information for the division that handles premium disputes is:

California Department of Insurance
Consumer Services Division
300 South Spring Street, South Tower
Los Angeles, CA 90013                            phone:
 800-927-HELP (4357)   213-897-8921
                                                                         (Calling from within CA)      (Outside CA)



This is another NCCI state. Colorado used to have a competitive state fund, but that state fund has been transformed into an insurance company that competes with other insurers.  In Colorado, all public and private employers with one or more full or part-time workers must either purchase Workers Compensation insurance or be approved for self-insurance (which, as in most states, is only feasible for larger employers.)  There are a few exceptions to this, including:

o    Certain casual maintenance or repair work performed for a business for under $2,000 per calendar year

o    Certain domestic work, maintenance or repair work for a private homeowner that is not done full time

o    Licensed real estate agents and brokers working on commission

o    Independent contractors who perform specific for-hire transportation jobs

o    Drivers under a lease agreement with a common or contract carrier

o    Any person who volunteers time or services for a ski area operator

o    Persons who provide host home services as part of residential services and supports

o    Federal employees (covered under federal laws) Railroad employees (covered under federal laws)


A corporate officer of a corporation or a member of a limited liability company may elect to reject the requirement to carry workers’ compensation insurance. The election to reject coverage is completed by providing written notice on a form available from the Division of Workers Compensation (part of the Department of Labor & Employment.)

A corporate officer is defined as the chairperson of the board, president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer who is an owner of at least ten percent of the stock of the corporation and who controls, supervises or manages the business affairs of the corporation. A member is defined as an owner of at least ten percent of the membership interest of the limited liability company at all times and who controls, supervises, or manages the business affairs of the limited liability company.


Independent contractors are not considered to be employees of a business that hires them, as long as they meet the following criteria:


The independent contractor is free from the business’ control and direction over how the service is performed; and the individual must be customarily engaged in an independent business related to the service being performed.


These are the two key principles of independent contracting in Colorado.  A written contract may be helpful in proving independent contractor status. However, the actual facts of the work relationship are the most important evidence.


Sole proprietors and partners in a business are not required to carry Workers Compensation insurance on themselves (but would be required to carry insurance as soon as they have any employees.)

Colorado Division of Insurance


Another NCCI state.  All employers are required to either carry insurance from an approved insurer, or to be approved as a self-insurer by the CT Workers Compensation Commission. 

Workers Compensation Commission
Capitol Place
                                                             Phone: (860) 493-1500  Fax: (860) 247-1361
21 Oak Street

Hartford, CT 06106

Disputes over Workers Compensation insurance premiums are handled by the Connecticut Insurance Department.

Connecticut Insurance Department
153 Market St.
Hartford, CT 06103

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 816
      Hartford, Ct 06142-0816      

Phone: (860) 297-3800 (800) 203-3447 Fax :(860) 566-7410



Delaware and Pennsylvania share a unique non-NCCI classification system which does not match up one for one with the NCCI classification system. Additionally, premium portion of payroll is not deductible for purposes of calculating Workers' Compensation premiums. Insurance is regulated by 

Office of Insurance Commissioner 
841 Silver Lake Blvd., Rodney Building 
Dover, DE 19904 

The rating bureau is 

Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau

Workers' Compensation is regulated by 

Office of Workers' Compensation 
State Office Building, Sixth Floor 
820 North French Street 
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

District of Columbia

D.C. Dept. of Insurance & Security Regulation 
810 First Street, NE, Suite 701 
Washington, DC 20002 

Office of Workers' Compensation 
1200 Upshur Street, NW 
Post Office Box 56098 
Washington, District of Columbia 20011


An NCCI state. 

Department of Financial Services 
200 E. Gaines Street 
Tallahassee, FL 32399 

Division of Workers' Compensation 
2012 Capitol Circle 
SE Hartman Building 
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0680 


An NCCI state. One important and unique rule in Georgia, however, is that the reallocation of payroll among classifications on a policy is considered to be a change in classification, and thus subject to the limitations placed on insurance companies regarding changes of classification.

Insurance Commissioner 
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE 
716 West Tower 
Atlanta, GA 30334 

Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation 
270 Peachtree Street, NW 
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1299 


An NCCI state. Until a few years ago, Hawaii operated its own independent rating bureau. Insurance is regulated by 

Insurance Division 
Dept. of Commerce & community Affairs 
P.O. Box 3614 
Honolulu, HI 96811 

Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR)


An NCCI state. Insurance is regulated by 

Department of Insurance 
P.O. Box 83720
Boisese, ID 83720-0041 

Idaho also maintains a 

State Insurance Fund 
1215 West State Street 
Post Office Box 83720 
Boisese, Idaho 83720-0044 


Illinois is an NCCI state, with some important and unique regulations lacking in other states. See our separate section, Workers' Compensation in Illinois, for details. 

Insurance, including Workers' Compensation, is regulated by 

Department of Insurance 
320 W. Washington 
Springfield, IL 62767 

More details about Illinois' Workers Compensation rules can be found here.


Many people in the insurance business believe that Indiana is an NCCI state. This is not true. Indiana maintains its own independent rating bureau, the Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau. This bureau uses NCCI for ratemaking, and uses the NCCI Basic Manual, but does not always follow NCCI classification interpretations. For some classification codes, the Indiana rules can be significantly different than NCCI guidelines. Furthermore, the state exceptions for Indiana listed in the Scopes Manual are not complete. For classification decisions in Indiana, it's best to talk directly to the ICRB. You can email questions to Jeff Hiland at 

5920 Castleway West Drive 
Indianapolis, IN 46250 
P.O. Box 50400 
tel 317-842-2800 
fax 317-842-3717

Indiana also allows independent contractors in the construction trades, and Owner/Operator truckers, to file a Certificate of Exemption with the Indiana Department of Revenue. This certificate of exemption qualifies the independent contractor to not carry Workers' Compensation insurance, and establishes that companies that use such independent contractors are also not liable for Workers' Compensation liabilities or premium charges for those exempt independent contractors or owner/operators. 

Insurance, including Workers' Compensation insurance, is regulated overall by 

Insurance Department 
311 W. Washington, Ste. 300 
Indianapolis, IN 46204 

However, according to a Wall Street Journal article, Indiana's Insurance Department is kept deliberately powerless to actually do anything about insurance problems and complaints, so the above link is provided with a very large grain of salt. 


An NCCI state. 

Iowa Insurance Division
601 Locust Street, 4th Floor
Des Moines, IA 50309-3738 

Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation 
1000 East Grand Avenue 
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0209 
800-JOB-IOWA (562-4692) 
tel 515-281-5387 
fax 515-281-6501


An NCCI state. 

Insurance Department 
420 SW Ninth Street 
Topeka, KS 66612 

Kansas Workers' Compensation 
800 SW Jackson, Suite 600 
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1227 


An NCCI state. 

Department of Insurance 
215 W. Main Street 
Frankfort, KY 40602 

Division of Workers' Compensation Funds 
1047 U.S. 127 South, Suite 4 
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 
502-564-3070 ext 391


An NCCI state. 

Department of Insurance 
1702 N. 3rd St. 
Baton Rouge, LA 70802 

Office of Workers' Compensation Administration 
Post Office Box 94040 
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9040


An NCCI state. 

Bureau of Insurance 
Consumer Services Division 
34 State House Station 
Augusta, ME 04333-0034 


An NCCI state--with some differences.  In addition to allowing private insurance companies to write Workers' Compensation insurance (and these insurance companies follow NCCI rules) Maryland also has IWIF, the Injured Workers Insurance Fund, which is the successor to the Maryland State Fund.  IWIF competes with private insurers, and IWIF also is the assigned risk plan for Maryland.  And although IWIF says that if uses the NCCI classification system, in actual practice IWIF can creatively interpret the assignment of classifications in ways different than NCCI itself does.  Since IWIF is not a member of the NCCI, NCCI cannot impose its own judgement about proper classification upon IWIF.  IWIF also does not report loss and payroll data to NCCI for use in computing experience modification factors.

Insurance Administration 
200  St. Paul Place, Suite 2700
Baltimore, MD 21202


Massachusetts maintains its own independent rating bureau -- the Workers Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau (tel 617-439-9030). 

Insurance is regulated by 

Division of Insurance 
Consumer Affairs 
One South Station, 5th Floor 
Boston, MA 02110-2208 


Michigan is not an NCCI state, but maintains its own separate independent rating organization -- the Compensation Advisory Organization of Michigan, or CAOM -- with an important caveat: in Michigan, there is no regulation of classification codes for voluntary (non-assigned risk) Workers Comp. CAOM also administers the Michigan Workers Compensation Placement Authority, which is that state's Assigned Risk plan. Michigan also calculates its own separate experience modifier for Michigan exposure, and this mod is not combinable with other states in an interstate mod. 

P.O. Box 3337 
Livonia, MI 48151-3337 

There is also a very informative website about Michigan's somewhat unique Workers' Comp insurance system, maintained by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation at 

Non-WC Insurance is regulated by 

Office of Financial and Insurance Services (OFIS) 
P.O. Box 30220 
Lansing, MI 48909-7220 


Minnesota operates its own rating bureau, the Minnesota Workers Compensation Insurance Association (tel 612-897-1737) and like Michigan, does not regulate what classification codes insurers use on voluntary market WC business. Unlike Michigan, however, loss and payroll data is reported to NCCI for inclusion in interstate mods. 

Workers Compensation is overseen by:
The Minnesota Dept. of Labor & Industry

Minnesota generally requires all employers who have workers to get valid coverage (with a few exceptions.) Details can be found here.

Other insurance is regulated by:
Dept. of Commerce, Insurance Division 
857 Place East Suite 500 
St. Paul, MN 55101 


An NCCI state. 

Insurance Department 
1001 Woolfolk State Office Building
501 North West Street
Jackson, MS 39201 


An NCCI state. 

Division of Insurance, Dept. of Consumer Affairs 
301 W. High Street 
Jefferson City, MO 65102 


An NCCI state. 

State Auditor’s Office, Division of Insurance 
840 Helena Ave. 
Helena, MT 59601-4009 


Nebraska is another NCCI state, which means Workers' Compensation insurance premiums are computed in accordance with NCCI manuals and rules. Nebraska does not maintain its own state fund, and the Assigned Risk Plan there has become a bit of a political football in recent years, with the operation of this Pool changing from one run by NCCI to one run by Employers of Wausau exclusively (in partnership with AON) and then, just in the past year, to a new plan administered exclusively by Travelers Insurance. Nebraska is currently seeking to restore some additional insurers to their Assigned Risk Plan, but has not succeeded at the moment. Insurance is regulated by 

Department of Insurance 
941 O Street, Suite 400 
Lincoln, NE 68508 


Nevada has just recently changed (mid-1999) from a state monopoly WC fund to a system of competitive private insurance, and is now an NCCI state. Insurance is regulated by 

Division of Insurance
1818 E. College Parkway, Suite 103
Carson City, NV 89706

The former Nevada monopoly State Fund has been reconstituted as a competitive mutual insurance company. 

New Hampshire

An NCCI state. 

Insurance Department 
21 South Fruit St. Suite 14 
Concord, NH 03301-7717 

New Jersey

New Jersey also maintains its own non-NCCI rating bureau, the New Jersey Compensation Rating & Inspection Bureau. This bureau has responsibility for creating manuals and rules of classifications and experience rating for New Jersey Workers Compensation insurance. The Department of Insurance doesn't really exercise much oversight of Workers Compensation insurance, unlike most states.
The agency that does handle most Workers Compensation insurance premium issues is the aforementioned New Jersey Compensation Rating & Inspection Bureau, also known as NJCRIB.

New Jersey Compensation Rating & Inspection Bureau
60 Park Place
Newark, NJ 07102


New Mexico

An NCCI state. 

Insurance Division 
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission 
PERA Building 
P.O. Box 1269 
Santa Fe, NM 87504-1269 
tel 505-827-4601 
fax 505-827-4734

New York

New York uses its own non-NCCI, independent rating bureau for Workers' Compensation insurance, the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board, which develops its own manuals and rules regarding classification and experience modifiers. Because of this, employers in New York actually lack certain important regulatory protections concerning Workers' Compensation insurance premiums that employers in many other states enjoy under NCCI manual rules or specific state regulations. 

One unique aspect of New York Workers Compensation is that employers are required to obtain a separate coverage for workers' disability from non-work related exposures, to protect workers from loss of income due to such a disability, just as the regular Workers Compensation coverage protects those workers from work-related disability.

Insurance is regulated by 

New York State Insurance Dept. 
One State Street Plaza
New York, NY 10004
800-342-3736  or 212-480-6400

North Carolina

North Carolina maintains its own independent rating bureau, the North Carolina Rate Bureau (tel 919-783-9790) but follows the NCCI model fairly closely. The manual for North Carolina WC is published by NCCI. North Carolina promulgates its own in-state experience mods, but also reports data to NCCI for use in interstate mods. Insurance is regulated by the North Carolina Department of Insurance.  The contact information for their Consumer Services Division is:

Department of Insurance 
1201 Mail Service Center 
Raleigh, NC 27699-1201 

The assigned risk plan for North Carolina is administered by their rating bureau, the NCRB

2910 Sumner Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27616

You can also contact the Information Center directly for support:

Phone: (919) 582-1056



North Dakota

North Dakota maintains a monopoly state fund for Workers' Comp, meaning that private insurance is not allowed. This fund is administered by 

North Dakota Workers Compensation Bureau 
500 E. Front Ave. 
Bismarck, ND 58504-5685 

Insurance (but not Workers' Comp) is regulated by 

Insurance Department 
600 E. Boulevard, Dept. 401 
Bismarck, ND 58505-0320 


Ohio does not permit private insurance for Workers' Compensation. Instead, it maintains a monopolistic state fund. However, this state fund has just recently shifted to using the NCCI classification system for workplace exposures. The Ohio Workers' Comp system is administered by 

Bureau of Workers Compensation 
30 W. Spring Street 
Columbus, OH 43215 


An NCCI state. Insurance is regulated by 

Insurance Department 
P.O. Box 53408 
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3408 

Oklahoma has historically had a competitive state fund, but that is in process of being converted into a mutual insurance company.


An NCCI state. 

Dept. of Consumer & Business Services 
Insurance Division 
350 Winter Street NE, Room 440 
Salem, OR 97301-3883 


Pennsylvania shares with Delaware a unique non-NCCI classification system. Rules for classification, premium computation, and experience rating are the responsibility of the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau, a non-government agency licensed and regulated by the PA Insurance Department. Premium portion of overtime pay is not excluded from computation of Workers' Compensation premium. Insurance is regulated by 

Insurance Department 
1326 Strawberry Square 
Harrisburg, PA 17120 

More details about Pennsylvania and their Workers Compensation system can be found here.

Rhode Island

An NCCI state.  Workers Compensation insurance is provided by private insurance companies, with a peculiar twist.  The former Rhode island state fund was morphed into a mutual insurance company, Beacon Mutual.  That insurer now dominates Workers Compensation insurance in the state, by means of tactics that have been decried as unfair, and Beacon has been involved in high profile scandals in recent years involving political corruption, crony underwriting, and unfair competition.  Be that as it may, Beacon remains the dominant Workers Comp insurer in the state.
All employers with one or more workers in the state must obtain Workers Compensation coverage.  Independent contractors are not eligible to claim benefits from those who retain their services, but must file a form with the Department of Business Regulation certify their independent status.

Workers Compensation insurance rates and premiums are regulated by:

Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation

1511 Pontiac Avenue 
Cranston, RI 02920   

Website:             Phone:     401-462-9500

South Carolina

An NCCI state. 

Department of Insurance 
P.O. Box 100105
Columbia, SC 29202

South Dakota

An NCCI state. 

Division of Insurance 
Department of Commerce 
445 E. Capitol 
Pierre, SD 57501 


An NCCI state. 

Department of Insurance 
500 James Robertson Parkway 
Nashville, TN 37243 


Becoming an NCCI state in 2014

In the wake of a disastrous collapse of their old Workers' Comp system a decade ago, Texas instituted a number of significant reforms to their system and made it one of the more iconoclastic WC systems in the US. 

Among other unusual features, Texas allows employers to "go bare"--that is, to have no Workers' Compensation insurance or self-insurance. Texas also allows employers to negotiate lower experience modification factors with their insurers (if the insurers are willing to accommodate them). Texas has not historically been an NCCI state, but that is changing in mid-2014. The Texas Department of Insurance has announced plans to transition over to the NCCI system of classifications and manual rules in mid-2014.

Department of Insurance 
333 Guadalupe 
Austin, TX 78701 


This website covers all insurance, not just Workers' Comp. Click on the Workers' Compensation link at the bottom of the page to get to specific Texas Workers' Comp information. 


An NCCI State. 

Utah Insurance Department 
State Office Building, Room 3110 
Salt Lake City, UT 88114-6901

Utah also maintains a competitive State Fund for Workers' Comp, which has recently been authorized to sell WC insurance in other states as well by the Utah legislature, through a subsidiary insurance company. 


An NCCI state. 

Department of Banking & Insurance 
89 Main Street, Drawer 20 
Montpelier, VT 05620-3101 


An NCCI state. 

Bureau of Insurance 
Property and Casualty 
P.O. Box 1157 
Richmond, VA 23218 


Washington maintains a monopoly state fund for WC, not allowing private insurance for this exposure. Phone : 809-692-9390. Other insurance is regulated by 

Office of Insurance Commissioner 
Attn: Consumer Advocacy 
P.O. Box 40256 
Olympia, WA 98504-0256 

West Virginia

West Virginia has historically maintained a monopoly state fund for Workers' Comp (tel 800-628-4265). But this is now being phased out. Starting January 1, 2005, the state fund will become a mutual insurance company. Competition from other private insurers will follow a few years after that. Once the change to mutual insurance company occurs, Workers Comp, like other insurance in West Virginia, will be regulated by 

Insurance Commissioner 
State of West Virginia 
P.O. Box 50540 
Charleston, WV 25305 


Wisconsin maintains its own non-NCCI rating bureau for determining classifications, premium computation, and experience rating. In state experience modifiers are calculated by this independent bureau, but data is also provided to NCCI for interstate mods. 

Insurance is regulated by 

Office of Commissioner of Insurance 
P.O. Box 7873 
Madison, WI 53707-7873 


Wyoming maintains a monopoly state fund for Workers Compensation and does not allow private insurance of this exposure. Workers' Compensation is administered by 

Wyoming Workers Safety and Compensation Division 
1510 E. Persing Blvd. 
Cheyenne, WY 82002 



Advanced Insurance Management, Insurance Services, Riverside, IL

Advanced Insurance Management LLC

3230 South Harlem Avenue, Suite 203

contact us:  phone: 800-288-9256 
