Advanced Insurance Management Workers Compensation Reviews & Refunds
  • Advanced Insurance Management LLC
  • 3230 South Harlem Avenue,  Suite 203
  • Riverside, IL 60546

Consulting Services for Insurance Agents and Brokers

In addition to our work directly with employers, AIM also provides specialized consulting services to insurance agents and brokers. We consult with agents and agencies regarding workers' compensation insurance classifications, experience modification factors, and payroll audits as well as other technical factors that affect workers' compensation premiums.

AIM has recovered millions of dollars in premium overcharges for employers all over the United States. And we can use that expertise to provide value-added services to help you retain your existing commercial accounts and acquire new business by partnering with your agency to provide independent audit reviews.

We can perform our review of past workers' compensation audit charges on a contingent-fee basis, so there's no charge to your client unless and until we actually produce a refund. Or we can work on a hourly-rate or negotiated flat fee to review classifications, modifiers, audits, and other technical matters that may affect your clients and prospects.

Your competitors may already be offering such services to your policyholders. But not all premium review firms have the experience, expertise, and credentials that we offer. Some premium review firms may be more interested in earning franchise fees than in producing savings for your clients. Others may use questionable procedures to try to obtain premium reductions that are not really justified. Take a look at our qualifications and our code of ethics and see why AIM is the best choice for your clients and prospects.

Your clients deserve the most experienced and professional premium review service available. Anything less can create serious problems for both your policyholders and your agency.

To contract AIM's consulting services, call 1-800-288-9256 or email

Consultants on Workers Comp Classification Codes, Experience Modifiers, Payroll Audits, & More

We've been helping employers since 1987, making Advanced Insurance Management one of the oldest and most experienced firms in the field of premium recovery.

  • Advanced Insurance Management LLC
  • 3230 South Harlem Avenue,  Suite 203
  • Riverside, IL 60546
  • contact us:phone: 800-288-9256